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Writer's picturejc8605

Monday - 8June2020

We have added more classes! Check out the new class schedule below.

We have started outdoor classes in Needham and Boston at the following times: Boston CrossFit: 6:30am, 7:30am, 9:30am, 12pm, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm

Needham CrossFit: 5:30am, 6:30am, 8:30am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm

Needham BootCamp: 6:00am, 8:30am

*Please see Facebook and Triib for more details.*

ZOOM Class Schedule:

Weekdays- 12:00pm 5:30pm Saturday- 12:00pm

***Workouts are subject to change due to equipment limitations, social distancing, etc.***

"Ginger Ninja Afterbash" For Time


Strict HSPU

Sit Ups

Kipping HSPU

Sit Ups


For Quality

50 leg lifts over object

50 russian twists

50 leg lifts over object

50 windshield wipers


"Bahston Sam"

10 minutes:

15 sit-ups

Max unbroken double-unders 

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