“11.HAM” AMRAP 10: 30 DOUBLE UNDERS 15 KB SWINGS (53/35#)
BREWERY BOOT CAMP // Trillium Brewing Co., Canton Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 10 AM – 11 AM, Taps open at 11 and your first beer is included in price of registration! Event is open to the public, caps at 30 athletes, and will sell out.
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ROWATHON // Saturday, February 29 9:00 AM in Needham
Hey ONE Nation, if you are running the Boston Marathon for a charity, we want to help raise money for your cause! Let your coach know ASAP! For the rest of you, support our community's runners by registering a team to ROW A MARATHON. 42195 METERS. A $25 registration per person nets you a t-shirt and a donation to your fellow runners! More details coming soon!